Monday, December 29, 2008
30 Weeks
Speaking of Christmas Eve, we did a gift exchange with dad's side this year, which was so nice since you only had to shop for a couple of people instead of waaaay too many! I had Erin, and I got her a sweater from Leah's shop in Philadelphia - I liked it so much it was hard not to keep it myself, but she seemed to like it too. Tami had me, and she got me the Bebe au Lait nursing cover/blanket from Nordstrom that I wanted (, along with a pacifier clip and paci that says "Mute Button". Too cute. :)
We also did a $10 "Chinese" gift exchange, where the first person picks a random gift, and then the next person can either pick a new gift or steal someone else's. It was absolutely hilarious - I can't wait to do it again! The popular item proved to be Steelers utility gloves - who woulda thunk it? They were stolen probably a dozen times before the end of the exchange. Not sure, but I think Joel ended up with them!
After dinner at Pocci's house, we went to Keith's to spend time with Seth's family. I honestly didn't recognize Athan when we walked in - I wondered who had brought the little boy with the blond hair - he just looked so old! He's talking and acting like a real little boy now - no more baby Athan. We had fun visiting and catching up with everyone, and chatting with Faith's boyfriend visiting from England.
Christmas Day we woke up and exchanged presents before going to Philadelphia. Actually, Lucy woke us up around 6am, begging to go downstairs. How that dog knew there were presents for her downstairs, I'll never understand, but I've said it before and I'll say it again - she's too smart for her own good!
So we took the train to Philly and arrived around 11:30, had brunch at mom's and then continued to graze and snack all day until dinner. Brian decided to brainwash all of us - getting us Texas gear - tee-shirts for Seth and I and UT crocs for me too. He also got the baby a onesie - as Leah said "Only you would find a way to make Sarah's baby about you". Check it out here - Honestly.
So a good time was had by all and we returned home on the train that night, getting back around 11pm. Needless to say, after two late nights, Friday was spent watching movies and napping on the couch!
Hope your holidays were spent happily with friends and family too.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A Newborn's Conversation with God
A Newborn's Conversation With God
A baby asked God, 'They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?' God said, 'Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.'
The child further inquired, 'But tell me, here in Heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy.' God said, 'Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy.'
Again the child asked, 'And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?' God said, 'Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.'
'And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?' God said, 'Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.' 'Who will protect me?' God said, 'I will, but your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.'
'But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.' God said, 'Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.'
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, 'God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name.'
God said, 'You will simply call her, 'Mom.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Steelers & Eagles Videos
Saturday, December 20, 2008
29 Weeks
Civil liberties...
This is not for any religious or constitutional reason; they simply have been unable to find three wise men and a virgin in the nation's capitol.
There was no difficulty, however, filling the stable with asses.
Yes, there were some funny parts - most notably from the dad and Rainn Wilson as the store clerk. But I actually found Juno herself to be annoying and inappropriate. I don't know, maybe I just wasn't feeling sentimental last night. The end was definitely touching and sweet, but not enough to make me watch it again. Which is unfortunate, since I rented it in September from the $1 machine at McDonald's and so am now the proud owner of my very own copy...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I love the

- They beat the Ravens, which makes my life in the Baltimore area a pleasant one for the near future.
- They swept the Ravens, which makes my life in the Baltimore area a pleasant one for the near future.
- They allowed the Ravens to think they were going to win twice this season, which makes my life in the Baltimore area a pleasant one for the near future.
Oh, do I love the Steelers tonight.
My greatest accomplishment...
Whitney Lynn Leger
Friday, December 12, 2008
Today's Drama
So the next step is to make the appointment for the glucose test. I'm hoping to get in next Saturday so I don't have to take off school - we are going to need the money from my sick days if I am going to stay home with the little guy for more than a couple of weeks, so using my sick days makes me really nervous.
On another note, if anyone was thinking of getting anything for our nursery, the bedding is currently 25% off with free shipping on our registry at Babies R Us. Just thought I'd pass that on, since it's quite a nice discount :)
Thanks for all your well wishes and thoughts. We have our birth class at the hospital this weekend - all day Saturday and 1/2 a day Sunday. It will probably wipe me out, so I most likely won't be posting for a few days...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Third Trimester...and the proverbial shit hits the fan...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Diaper Bag

Here's another site that's actually selling them in Maryland...
Long time, no post...
What's going on that's Good:
- Almost done with the Christmas shopping!
- The Christmas tree is bought and set up in the living room - so what if it's not decorated yet!
- Apparently I'm now in the 3rd trimester - meaning that 2/3 of this science experiment is behind me, with only a third left to go.
- Our registry at Babies R Us is pretty complete. I think there's only a few things missing off of it, but what they are has completely escaped my mind...
- I have been so lucky to get boxes of sweet little boy clothes from Nikki and our neighbor Michelle. I've spent the past couple of evenings looking at the little outfits over and over again :)
- I saw a show on Discovery this morning where they showed a baby born at 27 weeks. It was really odd, but really neat, to see a baby the same size/developmental age as our little guy "on the outside".
- Speaking of the little guy, it feels like he's working overtime these days to perfect his gymnastics routines! Maybe we have a future Olympian kicking away in there...
What's going on that's not-so-good:
- I had to do a glucose tolerance test this morning to check for gestational diabetes. That meant chugging a sickeningly sweet drink that wasn't too awful at the time, but has made me pretty sick for the rest of the day :( Keep your fingers crossed that the results were okay, so I don't have to do it again...
- I have no energy to do the things that a teacher needs to do. It's honestly all I can do to make it through the school day, much less think about planning lessons or grading papers when I get home. It's starting to stress me out a bit.
- Sleeping has moved beyond the "challenging" phase and into the "painful/virtually impossible" phase. Just peachy, if you ask me.
Really, not too much out of the ordinary right now. Of course, I absolutely love Christmas and am so looking forward to that. I have no idea what our plans will be, but travel is definitely limited this year. I'm going to Philly tomorrow morning for the weekend, so will see how that works out. I really do like being pregnant, but hate having to compromise on activities that would normally be, well, normal! But it is so, so, so, so worth it in the end. :)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Identity Theft
When I got the mail, I noticed that I had 3 letters from Wachovia, which was odd since I've never been in a Wachovia and they looked like statements. Turns out someone opened a checking and a savings account in my name (my maiden name, no less), but somehow the bank realized it was fraudulent, and so shut them down the next day (last Friday). The really bad thing is that whomever this is has my soc. security #, date of birth, etc. The weird thing is they have my maiden name...
I've submitted a report to the credit companies, and all three have put a fraud alert on my credit report in case anyone tries to open any more accounts. It seems okay at this point, but I'll have to go and file a police report and submit that to the reporting companies, as well as keep a close eye on my credit. I'm just glad that I got this mail from Wachovia, or else I wouldn't know anything about it.
What Six Months Pregnant Means to Me....
- I'm considering writing to the TV networks to try and improve programming from 3:00-6:00 a.m.
- Every day it's more and more difficult to stay awake past 2:00 in the afternoon (which doesn't really work when you teach until 4)
- Shoes and socks are chosen based on how easy they are to get on/off, rather than how they look.
- Lying down on my back makes my head feel like it's going to explode.
- People feel the need to touch my stomach.
- Unfortunately, people also feel the need to tell me their birth stories. If I cared, I'd ask!
- There's no more "fitting into" regular clothes.
- I have to force myself to sit down and put my feet up during the day or else it will be a miserable night.
- My watch leaves deep impressions on my wrist, but I'm too stubborn to take it off.
- The fact that there is still office furniture, a plywood floor, and messed up walls in the nursery stresses me out to the point of tears some days.
- My lower back and hips feel like I've suddenly aged 30 years overnight.
- I can feel the little guy kicking all the time now!
- It all seems more real now, and my focus is changing a bit from thinking about being pregnant to thinking about being a mom.
And what six months pregnant means to my dearly beloved...
- I find myself doing increasingly more than I have been around the house.
- I spend my time carrying things, rubbing the back (the hands, the feet...), washing dishes, cooking dinner, taking care of the puppies.
- Being encouraging and staying positive.
- My belly is getting bigger, I have back pain, I'm always tired. (hmmm....sound familiar?)
- I'm trying to work more to make extra money.
- Glad that everything is going well. Better and better the closer we get, but overwhelmed by all the things we still have to do around the house.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Counting Sheep
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Babies R Us

Saturday, November 1, 2008

22 Weeks!

The little guy is starting to realize when I need some rest by deciding to wake up and kick me at these opportune moments. On one hand it drives me crazy and I'm hoping it's not a sign of a boy who's going to make me bust in the years to come. On the other hand, it's just the coolest thing and at this point I'll take it any time I can get it...
- I'm realizing that much of the pain/discomfort is caused by being on my feet all day. I'm trying to teach sitting down more, but it's just not my style!
- Halloween is simply the best day ever. Whomever came up with the idea of celebrating my recent chocolate obsession with an entire day and entire stores dedicated to its indulgence is pure genius. I have literally made myself sick more than once in the past couple of days... :)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
To keep in your thoughts and prayers
Her blog is at
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hellllooooooo....(aka 21 wks ~ 5 days late)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
What's going on at our house right now...
Some pictures from a wedding
Our nursery
Forgive the shout out
Not feeling much like posting lately...

- I continue to get comments about how I cannot possibly be due in March due to my already huge belly. Well folks, believe it! And yes, there is only one.
- Just when I thought it would be a while before Seth would be able to feel the little guy kicking, he decided to put on a show on Thursday evening for about 10 minutes. It was so neat! Then Lucy plopped herself down against my stomach this morning and he gave her a punch back - really funny!
- I've been having issues with nosebleeds this week - apparently not uncommon, but really annoying to walk around with tissues hanging out of my nose :) Also feeling really sick when I eat/drink anything sugary, which I hope is not related to any more blood sugar problems. Apparently being hypoglycemic leads to an increased risk of gestational diabetes, which is odd to think, but worries me nonetheless.
- Likes this week: Italian food and cheese. Not into sweets much anymore, but am slowly starting to eat meat again. Thank goodness!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
19 Weeks
Anyways, my point is that the headache seems to be gone today, thank goodness. I think I would have willingly sliced it off if it wasn't...
By the way, thank you, thank you, thank you for all the well-wishes and congrats. We are so excited, and I was making Seth look at names last night. It should be an interesting process knowing how stubborn we both are! I just feel like we'll be in the hospital and they'll be like, "Uh, ma'am, you can't take the baby home until it has a name"...