Saturday, December 20, 2008

29 Weeks

Well, here we are at 29 weeks - only 11 more to go!

Physically, it was a pretty good week. I have cut my dietary salt, been drinking lots and lots of fluids, and have been making sure to put my feet up throughout the day and at night. So the good news is that I've lost all those pounds of fluid that I'd put on a couple of weeks ago! I can actually wear my watch again without it cutting off all circulation to my hand :)

Otherwise, we're just finishing up Christmas preparations and trying to figure out what our plans will be. I'm starting to get really nervous about the nursery - although I cleaned it out in early November, there's still office furniture in there - on top of the plywood floors. And don't even get me started on the wall or closet situation in that room. Suffice it to say that this room has not been touched since we moved in, and you all remember what a disaster this house was when we bought it.

Seth apparently doesn't see the urgency in the situation, but I can't stress enough that I have been looking forward to working on the nursery, and will not have that same enthusiasm next month when I'm twice as uncomfortable and still working on my feet all day every day! Very frustrating...

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