Monday, December 29, 2008


Well, we enjoyed a nice, but hectic as usual, Christmas holiday with family. Christmas Eve of course, is Seth's birthday which we celebrated both Sunday night at Jackie's and Tuesday night at Keith's.

Speaking of Christmas Eve, we did a gift exchange with dad's side this year, which was so nice since you only had to shop for a couple of people instead of waaaay too many! I had Erin, and I got her a sweater from Leah's shop in Philadelphia - I liked it so much it was hard not to keep it myself, but she seemed to like it too. Tami had me, and she got me the Bebe au Lait nursing cover/blanket from Nordstrom that I wanted (, along with a pacifier clip and paci that says "Mute Button". Too cute. :)

We also did a $10 "Chinese" gift exchange, where the first person picks a random gift, and then the next person can either pick a new gift or steal someone else's. It was absolutely hilarious - I can't wait to do it again! The popular item proved to be Steelers utility gloves - who woulda thunk it? They were stolen probably a dozen times before the end of the exchange. Not sure, but I think Joel ended up with them!

After dinner at Pocci's house, we went to Keith's to spend time with Seth's family. I honestly didn't recognize Athan when we walked in - I wondered who had brought the little boy with the blond hair - he just looked so old! He's talking and acting like a real little boy now - no more baby Athan. We had fun visiting and catching up with everyone, and chatting with Faith's boyfriend visiting from England.

Christmas Day we woke up and exchanged presents before going to Philadelphia. Actually, Lucy woke us up around 6am, begging to go downstairs. How that dog knew there were presents for her downstairs, I'll never understand, but I've said it before and I'll say it again - she's too smart for her own good!

So we took the train to Philly and arrived around 11:30, had brunch at mom's and then continued to graze and snack all day until dinner. Brian decided to brainwash all of us - getting us Texas gear - tee-shirts for Seth and I and UT crocs for me too. He also got the baby a onesie - as Leah said "Only you would find a way to make Sarah's baby about you". Check it out here - Honestly.

So a good time was had by all and we returned home on the train that night, getting back around 11pm. Needless to say, after two late nights, Friday was spent watching movies and napping on the couch!

Hope your holidays were spent happily with friends and family too.

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