Saturday, October 11, 2008

19 Weeks

Well, I went to bed Thursday night with an awful headache and woke up yesterday with it still raging, but decided to tough it out and go to school. Actually, since our lovely school system doesn't offer paid maternity leave, it really wasn't a decision if we don't want to go broke in the springtime. I am currently rationing my 18 sick days like I'm on a bread line in Russia...

Anyways, my point is that the headache seems to be gone today, thank goodness. I think I would have willingly sliced it off if it wasn't...

By the way, thank you, thank you, thank you for all the well-wishes and congrats. We are so excited, and I was making Seth look at names last night. It should be an interesting process knowing how stubborn we both are! I just feel like we'll be in the hospital and they'll be like, "Uh, ma'am, you can't take the baby home until it has a name"...

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