Saturday, November 1, 2008

22 Weeks!

Well, here we are at 22 weeks. Life these days...

The little guy is starting to realize when I need some rest by deciding to wake up and kick me at these opportune moments. On one hand it drives me crazy and I'm hoping it's not a sign of a boy who's going to make me bust in the years to come. On the other hand, it's just the coolest thing and at this point I'll take it any time I can get it...

  • I'm realizing that much of the pain/discomfort is caused by being on my feet all day. I'm trying to teach sitting down more, but it's just not my style!

  • Halloween is simply the best day ever. Whomever came up with the idea of celebrating my recent chocolate obsession with an entire day and entire stores dedicated to its indulgence is pure genius. I have literally made myself sick more than once in the past couple of days... :)

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