Monday, December 29, 2008

30 Weeks

So, check out my hat - I knitted it myself! It has a really cute ball on top, but you can't really see it very well. Totally adorable though :)

This morning (Monday), I had to go and take the 3-hour glucose tolerance test. Basically, I had to fast since last night, be at the lab at 7am, have my blood drawn, drink something that tastes like a McDonald's orange drink with no water added to the concentrate, then have my blood taken three more times over a three hour period. Oh joy.

It wasn't too terrible, except for one hour when I felt like I was going to throw up and/or pass out - head spinning, cold sweat, the whole kit and kaboodle. But I'm quite proud of myself that I did neither, and got through the whole thing okay. Now it's just waiting to see if I have gestational diabetes or not; hopefully they'll call tomorrow with the results. I'm really hoping I don't have it - I can't imagine life right now without chocolate!

So that's all that's going on here. Seth is putting down the hardwood floors in the nursery this week, and we're going to paint after that. We've decided (I think) to paint three walls a pale green color and the wall opposite the door a yellowish-tan on which Seth is going to paint a jungle mural. I can't wait to see it finished! It's going to be so sweet. If you forgot, here is what our bedding looks like:

1 comment:

Elephant Steps said...

Good luck on your glucose results! I just got my results from the 1 hour today, and I passed!! I'm so glad I didn't have to take the 3 hour because I too got the cold sweats, and saw stars about 5 mins before my hour was up. I don't even know how I would make it through 3 hrs!!

Cute bedding.