Thursday, November 20, 2008

What Six Months Pregnant Means to Me....

  • I'm considering writing to the TV networks to try and improve programming from 3:00-6:00 a.m.
  • Every day it's more and more difficult to stay awake past 2:00 in the afternoon (which doesn't really work when you teach until 4)
  • Shoes and socks are chosen based on how easy they are to get on/off, rather than how they look.
  • Lying down on my back makes my head feel like it's going to explode.
  • People feel the need to touch my stomach.
  • Unfortunately, people also feel the need to tell me their birth stories. If I cared, I'd ask!
  • There's no more "fitting into" regular clothes.
  • I have to force myself to sit down and put my feet up during the day or else it will be a miserable night.
  • My watch leaves deep impressions on my wrist, but I'm too stubborn to take it off.
  • The fact that there is still office furniture, a plywood floor, and messed up walls in the nursery stresses me out to the point of tears some days.
  • My lower back and hips feel like I've suddenly aged 30 years overnight.
  • I can feel the little guy kicking all the time now!
  • It all seems more real now, and my focus is changing a bit from thinking about being pregnant to thinking about being a mom.

And what six months pregnant means to my dearly beloved...

  • I find myself doing increasingly more than I have been around the house.
  • I spend my time carrying things, rubbing the back (the hands, the feet...), washing dishes, cooking dinner, taking care of the puppies.
  • Being encouraging and staying positive.
  • My belly is getting bigger, I have back pain, I'm always tired. (hmmm....sound familiar?)
  • I'm trying to work more to make extra money.
  • Glad that everything is going well. Better and better the closer we get, but overwhelmed by all the things we still have to do around the house.

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