Saturday, November 1, 2008


This is me, Kathy and Christie in our 5th grade costumes ~ notice I'm not the shortest one!

We started out as monkeys, but really think we ended up looking more like mice. One of the students thought I looked like an opossum - does that mean I can just play dead in the middle of the school day????

And here is my class. Notice the injured Tom Brady - that was definitely my favorite :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the costumes! Okay...I am now "stalking" the blog of the people from CA with twins. I cannot stop thinking about them. I seriously considered waking the kids up the other night to pull them into bed with me - they still don't have bed orientation when they sleep so my common sense won that battle over the heart.

About the baby - keep in mind that when you move it is like rocking him to sleep. When you rest 9(espcially when the good blood flow gets going on your left side) he is full of energy. The good news is that after another 18 or so weeks you actually get used to it. Ryan was the one who suffered more in the end - the baby will kick so hard that your bed will move. You may have learned to sleep through the beatings but your hubby will get the chance to share the joy!

Enjoy it - it is so uncomfortable at times but worth every single second.

Love ya,

jen chrysler