Friday, September 19, 2008

Why does this bother me?

If you know me well, read this carefully and I'll give you one guess as to why this annoyed the p*ss out of me when I read it this morning.

The second thing that annoyed me? Reading some brain surgeon's observation on Baby Center that "If you are in pretty good shape, and are eating moderately... you will have gained 5-7 lbs by your 20th week, which is right around when you should start wearing maternity. So give or take a week, you've got another 4-5 weeks of your regular clothes."

This was posted in response to a girl who is 14 wks pregnant and wanting to know when she'd need maternity clothes. So apparently since I've been wearing maternity clothes for weeks, I'm not in pretty good shape. Or eating moderately. Or maybe people just shouldn't consider themselves authorities because they happen to own a computer and use opposable thumbs.

1 comment:

MandyPants said...

Wandered over from BabyCenter! Just wanted to let you know that I bought elastic-waisted work pants when I was about 13 weeks, and went on a maternity clothes shopping spree at the beginning of week 15. Before that, I was wearing whatever was loose (lots of empire-waisted tops). People around the office have made comments about it being awful early to start wearing maternity clothes. I often find myself wanting to tell them that their appearance would really benefit from looser clothing...