Sunday, September 7, 2008

What a bust

Well, Tropical Storm Hanna rolled through yesterday with nary a broken branch or flooded gutter. We did have the power flicker twice, but it came back on a few seconds later - thank goodness.

I remember hosting a hurricane party in Raleigh when Floyd came through - we lost power and still had quite a good time. Just don't think it would be the same without the wine... :)

Healthwise I had a really yucky day yesterday with some kind of bug. I had a terrible headache since Friday afternoon and developed a stomachache and body aches yesterday. UGGH! I am feeling much better today though, and will hopefully stay that way for a long time. Being pregnant is sick-feeling enough without an illness on top of it.

On another note, I might as well be the president of PETA these days. I absolutely cannot stand the thought of eating meat! So of course I'm now totally paranoid about getting enough protein and the baby not growing. We can thank our good friends at "What to Expect When You're Expecting" for that - I mean, it's a good source of information but there's no need to scare someone who is doing the best she can.

According to the book, I should be getting 75 grams of protein a day, which "most people get anyway without even realizing it". Yeah, if you eat meat, I guess! When you're not eating meat, and don't feel like eating at all most days anyway, that 1g in a spoon of sour cream and that 6g in a yogurt just don't seem to add up real fast. So now Seth and I have become anal about reading protein contents and adding them up thoughout the day. Fun, huh?

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