Thursday, September 4, 2008

14 Weeks!

No matter which book/website/magazine you read, we are now "officially" in the second trimester. Some would have you believing you are at 12 weeks, some at 13, but all agree that with 14 weeks under your belt, you've jumped that hurdle. Whew!

I'm not sure if I expected to wake up one of these days and feel differently, but it hasn't happened yet. I'll tell you what has happened though - I noticed a few days ago that my pale, pasty complexion complete with full-on teenage breakouts has traded itself in for a pinkish, clearish version. Aaah, the glow of pregnancy. (for now anyway...check in again next week.)

So I thought I'd share some of my current likes/dislikes since that always seems to entertain people, and honestly I like to talk about them.

  • I hate steak. That is a statement unto itself, as anyone who would usually put down a medium-rare ribeye or a filet with bearnaise would probably receive a hug of gratitude. I don't know what it is, but the idea of cutting and chewing meat just totally grosses me out. I hope that changes.

  • I love plum juice. This seems to be the hip, young version of prune juice which apparently is totally out and totally not cool. Which is fine with me because I've always found it to be heavy and sickeningly sweet - more like cough syrup than something I would drink for satisfaction. Now plum juice, on the other hand, is light and tastes like a tall glass of grape juice over ice - a taste I love because it reminds me of Gaga's house growing up. Plus, if you've ever experienced the many physical joys of pregnancy, if it helps I'd pretty much drink it at this point.

  • I love taco sauce. To the point where I have considered drinking it straight. Not sure what it is, but it seems to be the greatest thing my taste buds have ever experienced. I may rob a Taco Bell soon, so keep this on the DL...
I'm sure there's more, but there's much to do. I brought home papers to grade (the same ones I've been bringing home since Friday) and need to at least attempt to attack the pile. Uggh, remind me why I have a job that never ends???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah- this post made me laugh out loud. Ive been carting the same papers back and forth to work (swearing I am going to grade them at home)for a week! Glad to know its not just me...