Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stars - "They're Just Like US"

So, yes, I've had an embarassing addiction to US Weekly for the past couple of years. I feel a bit weird sometimes (kind of like a stalker), but it's a habit I just can't break.

Well recently, my interest has lain especially with pregnant celebs and those who are rumored to be preg. at this point. This, of course, is because I have a bond with these women. I mean, we will both give birth to a child within a year of each other! Can you get any closer than that???

So, in homage to Seth's favorite section of the magazine (yes, he reads it and, no, he doesn't even bother hiding it anymore), I bring you our version of "Stars - They're Just Like US"...

(See 4D photo above right)
They hide from the papparazzi!
Bebe Bigelow, well-known for her privacy, shies away from the cameras on a recent trip to the doctor's office.

So for all the pregnant celebs out there, have no worries. You're not alone.

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