Thursday, September 18, 2008

16 Weeks! (aka: Look at how huge I am)

Well, I've officially completed 4 months of this life-changing experiment. How does it feel, you ask? Hmmm...

  • I love people knowing that I'm actually pregnant now, and not just fat.
  • I especially like it that people at school are congratulating me when it's supposedly still a "secret".
  • I know I've felt bebe move a few times in the past couple of weeks when I've been using the doppler, but the past couple of nights it's a lot and there's no mistaking it for something else. How cool is that?
  • I'm loving that Seth is totally nesting - doing things like cleaning up the downstairs or having dinner cooking when I get home from school. I am really seeing a new side of him, and it's pretty neat to see.
  • I'm a bit sad to have cleaned out my closet and my dressers the past couple of weeks. I figure it'll be a while before any of my cute, normal clothes fit right again, so they all got packed away. It's nice to have the space, but weird to not be able to wear most of my clothes.
  • As much as I can't stand the idea of not finding out bebe's gender, for some reason the thought of not finding out has become strangely appealing.
  • We've been perusing paint colors and fabrics for the nursery, and I finally don't feel like I'm going to jinx things by doing it. By the way, if you're hoping to see Winnie the Pooh or Noah's Ark anywhere in this baby's room, you're reading the wrong blog.

By the way, tune in tomorrow for another edition of "Stars - They're Just Like Us"...

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