Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Weird things that wake me up at night

I'm normally a fairly paranoid person, but I've found that pregnancy really just brings out the best when it comes to craziness. Here are just a few things that have me teetering on that thin line between wacky and committed.

  • I lose things. Then I remember and try to find them. Then I forget about it for a while, and when I remember again I get upset about losing it the first time, and then forgetting about losing it. Needless to say, most things remain unfound (is that a word?).
  • If I don't feel yucky, I feel like I'm not pregnant and therefore something must be wrong with the bebe. This has manifested itself in many phone calls to Dr. Penn's office. After being embarassed for several weeks when talking to the receptionists, they now all know that I'm a bit nuts and just take the message.
  • I don't know whether or not to return my Snoogle. What's a Snoogle you ask? Simply what is supposed to be the most comfortable body pillow in the world. But....I'm not sure I like it. So I've now slept with it for about a week, it's covered in Campbell hair, and yet I literally lose sleep over whether I should return it and if there's something wrong because I don't really like it. Ironic, huh?
  • Our new couch is going to show up on Friday and I've suddenly developed a strong attachment to the old couch that we're supposed to get rid of. Suddenly it's a sentimental journey of my life for the past 20 years and I can't bear to part with it. So, for now I'm lying on it, and tomorrow I'll probably be crying about it. Geesh.

There's lots more. Really. But I have to log off because I'm worried that I'm not in bed yet...

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