Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A letter pays off...

I take after my grandfather in more ways than one, but probably the most in that I love to write letters if I'm unhappy about something. As Pocci says, "Nothing will change if you don't". Right?

So, after reading an article in Pregnancy magazine a few weeks ago, and getting all fired up about the content, I whipped off a quick email to the mag.

I had an email from them today saying they're publishing my letter in the November issue, and I couldn't be more pleased with myself. Not only because I get a cute new yoga bag out of the deal, but because I also get to see my name in print again. Sometimes I do miss all the "glory" of that world.

So, if you don't feel like running out to buy the new issue (like me), here's the letter...

As an expectant mother struggling with a full-time workload, I was so excited to see Erin Griffin's article, "Productive and Pregnant" in your September '08 issue. However, my excitement soon waned as I realized the article was written solely for women who hold an office job. As an elementary school teacher, I am one of many thousands of professional pregnant women who work in the service sector and don't have the luxury of putting my feet up during the day or ending my day earlier! I would love to see an article addressing some practical advice and tips for women such as myself.

Thanks for an otherwise great magazine!

Sarah E. Bigelow

Cool, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally cool! I may have the gift of gab, but definitely dont have the ability to write well. I can do some serious technical writing but unless its getting published in the New England Journal of Medicine it doesnt seem too useful.

At least I write better than I sing!
