Friday, September 19, 2008

I have no followers :(

I don't really know what a 'follower' is, but I know I don't have any.

I think I would like to have some, so if you'd like to take a gander at the 'follower' tab on the right side of the screen, please consider becoming one.

Did I ever mention I like comments too? Otherwise, it's kind of like passing notes every day in school, but nobody ever writing back. And that's just sad.


Anonymous said...

For the record, this is my favorite thing to do at night!! I LOVED being pregnant (the expected and the unexpected pregnancies)- and I have a totally unhealthy obsession with pregnant women. Another secret - I bought pregnancy magazine until about 3 months ago (Maegan will be 2 next month)!

Kami said...

Hi there! I found your blog on the BBC board. I'm due March 1st. Looking forward to be a "follower"!