Friday, August 15, 2008

We've decided to start a blog to keep everyone up-to-date on our little one's journey, so here we are. We've been so busy and with school starting up again on Monday we wanted to make sure all of our far-flung family and friends could keep up with what's going on!

Today 'we' are 11 weeks and 1 day pregnant. At first I totally despised the term 'we' - I mean, who's actually doing all the work? However, several weeks into total exhaustion, achiness and (let's face it) neediness and bitchiness, Seth has now paid his dues and is welcome to join our little club :)

We had a doctor's appointment yesterday and they were able to hear bebe's heartbeat with a doppler machine - so cool that I'm looking into renting one for a few months to have at home. The little one's heart was beating away at 165+ bpm - according to the old wives, a "sure" sign it's a girl! At first I was hugely disappointed because my appointment wasn't with Dr. Penn, but the new doctor we saw (Dr. Keith) is about my age and so cute! After having male doctors for so long it was nice and different to see a woman.

I had to set up my classroom today and wouldn't you know that I woke up this morning feeling nauseous? That's happened about 5 times total, and of course one is on the first day in a while that I really do have to do something since I start back to work on Monday. As I've always been fond of saying, "This would only happen to me".

I got so much done though, but am paying for it now big time with a bad headache and sore muscles. But it feels so good to actually accomplish something!


Roberta said...

You set up your room without us :(
lol.....I hope you survived it!! Love Roberta and Emily

Jenni Leger said...

Sarah and Seth ~

Congratulations! We are sad we are not closer to share in this amazing journey with y'all. I can assure you it gets better every day. Will you find out the sex or wait until March? We look forward to reading updates via this blog! Love you. Jenni, Jay and Logan

Sarah and Seth said...

Jenni, Congrats to you too! I do wish we were closer. Are you finding out/have you? We definitely are and can't wait to know! Love you all :)

Anonymous said...

Sarah you can go to babies r us to get a device to listen to the babies heart beat, there not that expensive, better then renting one i think you have the wrong email for me roberta forwarded thisto me so here it is