Saturday, August 16, 2008

A bit of background

Expectant Survey

Fathers name? Seth, I think :) ~ he can't believe I wrote that!
Are you still with him? Yes.
Were you trying to get pregnant? Yes, for many months!
When did you find out? Thursday, June 26th.
Where did you find out? In the bathroom.
How far along were you? 4 weeks exactly.
What was your reaction? Disbelief and excitement that instead of searching desperately for a second line, one was actually there!
Who was the first person you told? Seth, of course, and then Gram.
How did you tell the father? Just went downstairs and showed him the 2 tests (there were at least 6 to follow in the coming days).
What was his reaction? "excitement, happiness and relief".
When is your due date? March 5, 2009.
Do you have any morning sickness? Occasionally. I'm used to waking up nauseous from low blood sugar so I can't really tell the difference.
What are your fears? Not possible to list them all. Biggest of course is losing the baby.
What are you most happy about? Being able to tell Gram before she died.
Do you want a boy or girl? I go back and forth and would love both for different reasons. But I have a feeling it's a girl.
What does the father want boy or girl? He totally wants a boy.
Do you know what you're having? No, but we plan to find out in October.
Do you have a name picked out? Not yet.
How much weight have you gained? About 3 pounds, but it looks more like 10!
Have you felt the baby move? No, too early for that.
Do you plan on a natural or medicated birth? I believe pain meds were invented for a reason. No need to go all frontier woman and try to tough it out on your own!
What do you think will be the worst part of labor? I know too many people who have had complications and am afraid something will happen to the baby.
Have you taken any classes? Not yet, but am trying (not succeeding) in finding a local prenatal yoga class.
Who will be in the delivery room? Seth and not sure if anyone else.
Are you having the birth videotaped? I seriously doubt it.
Do you think you will cry when you see the baby for the first time? I cry over commercials so chances are, yes.
What do you think the father's reaction to the baby will be? I think he'll be amazed.

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