Sunday, August 31, 2008

We're baaa-aaack!

Oh my goodness. Can I really be logged in on our blog? We have been having major internet problems and decided to switch providers, but won't have service until next week. I can't access the blog at school, so we've been MIA. Believe me, I have something to post every day and will as soon as possible!

Our updates:
* You'll see the little one's new pictures here! We had a scan on Friday to check for Down's Syndrome and some other chromosomal abnormalities. If you're keeping track, bebe's nuchal fold (the amount of fluid behind their neck that they measure for this screening) measured 1mm, which is about as small as it can be. This is wonderful news, since they like to see anything under 3mm and I am nearing that "advanced maternal age" label which is utterly ridiculous and rude. :)

* 4D Ultrasound is the greatest! The little one actually looks like a little one! Now no more excuses (MOM!) that you can't ever tell what's what on a sonogram :)

* We had a monumental shopping trip yesterday, missed a vacation, and school is going well. I will fill you in on another post so I can try to upload this one. Fingers crossed!

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