Sunday, August 31, 2008

No fun in the Outer Banks :(

We really screwed up. We were supposed to be in the Outer Banks this weekend with Molly and John. They rented this beautiful house on the beach with a pool and a hot tub and everything you could want, and we totally forgot about it.

I don't know if we both have a case of pregnancy brain or what, but it's ridiculous and embarrasing to entirely forget about a planned vacation. We thought about hopping in the car when we realized yesterday and driving down, but we hadn't made any plans for the dogs! We both feel like total idiots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is better than Jon and Kate plus 8 It is so much fun to sit down at night (prego feet only prepare you for the pain that comes after working a full day and then chasing toddlers) and read your hysterical stories. Awesome. The baby is cute.