Sunday, August 24, 2008

I like to call it "how the other half lives"

These are pictures of my classroom. Or as I like to call it, “how the other half lives”. I never thought trailer livin’ could be so good! There’s this little concept called ‘outside of the main building’ that puts me in this sweet and safe little bubble and leaves my door closed for most of the day. For me, who prefers to be totally left alone while working, this is heaven on earth!
I’d also like to point out a few other things that are leading me to realize I may have made the right decision after all…

  • We have ½ hour (that’s 30 – count ‘em – 30 whole minutes) of recess. I don’t know, but apparently these people realize that 5-10 year olds need more than 10 minutes of physical activity a day if we expect them to sit and pay attention the rest of the time. What a novel idea!
  • I’ve already had 8 parents offer to help, and school hasn’t even started yet! This compares to the 1 offer I had last year, and the 0 that showed up.
  • I only have recess duty every third day. This means on the other two days, I not only get to eat my lunch, but I have an extra ½ hour to prevent the nasty indigestion that creeps up when you try to prepare, heat and eat your lunch in 20 minutes.
  • I don’t have to eat the school lunch if I forget or don’t feel like making a lunch one day. I am now allowed to act like an adult again and run out to get something to eat if I so choose!

  • When I met a bunch of my students on Thursday, they were all washed, combed, and cleanly dressed.
    On a similar note, when I met the parents, they all spoke to me in a respectful way, nobody cursed or blamed the system for their problems, and nobody used the phrase “I seen” (and you know how much that last one means to me).

Now, I'm absolutely sure that there are downfalls that go along with these positives. But growing up in New Milford, this is finally familiar school territory to me and here's hoping that all goes well...


Anonymous said...

Your blogs are awesome. Good luck with school. It sounds like there are some benefits. And, from what I seen your room looks fun. Oh yeah... please don't stress about the test - there is a greater chance of a false positive with those things. We did not take it b/c I have serious "worry" issues on a regular basis - it was best for everyone's sleep(out of town parents included)to skip that one. Yeah... the health department just announced an extra "spray" in our area for West Nile - we have been on lock down for two days. Good luck this week and have fun!

Anonymous said...

You are so funny! I think I laughed the entire time I read this blog because I have experienced all of this with you. This does sound like the life though. The true test will be the first day when the students say the Pledge.....I Pledge of Allig.... We know about this problem!!! I am so glad you are being treated like an adult this year and your kids will have some fun freedom for 30 minutes. Good Luck!