Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hellllooooooo....(aka 21 wks ~ 5 days late)

Yes, I know that it's been a while. Yes, I know that I didn't post any update last week. Yes, I know that you're waiting...

So, long story short, I am apparently suffering from "round ligament pain". This is something I thought I was experiencing before. Haha - nope. What I've been feeling the past couple of months are some twinges and sharp little pulls when I move too quickly or turn a certain way. Uncomfortable, yes, but more of just a reminder that you're pregnant in case you forget once in a while.

What I've been feeling the past week are constant, unending, terrorizing, can't-sleep-more-than-a-few-hours-a-night feelings like I've torn every muscle in my abdomen, dislocated my hips and slipped a disk in my lower back. Oh yeah, and it's just getting better by the day :)

So I finally called the doctor today after not being able to get comfortable sitting, standing or lying ~ my only salvation being two yoga poses (child's pose and cat/cow). You can look these poses up if you'd like, but suffice it to say that neither would be appropriate in public, which is where most of my day is spent. Anyway...the nurse said this was "perfectly normal" although most people don't experience it so severely.
After talking to her, I'll attribute it to being short-waisted and not having lots of room for things to spread out inside. Who knows, but I do have the okay to pop at Benadryl tonight in hopes of getting some much-needed sleep.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look marvelous!!!! hope you get the sleep you need...catch up on the weekend especially!!! Love Roberta