Monday, October 6, 2008


So I went to my first prenatal yoga class tonight and I really loved it! Even though it's 25 minutes away in Crofton, it was totally worthwhile - relaxing and energizing. Plus it was fun to have Victoria there to have a few laughs (not sure that's appropriate for yoga, but oh well...). Can't wait for next Monday!

1 comment:

Jenni Leger said...

Okay - so, this is not a comment about yoga - but I didn't know where I was supposed to post a generic comment to tell you "I am dying with anticipation." I got home and immediately opened your blog expecting to read the big news, but you have not posted anything yet! PLEASE DO NOT keep us in suspense too long. I wnat to know if it is a he or she! I was one of the three who thought a boy. I can't wait to hear if I was right or wrong - of course, either is fantastic, because it is a beautiful baby either way - that I know for sure!