Saturday, October 4, 2008

A bit late...but 18 weeks!

So I'm slacking a bit this week. I'm sure my five faithful followers are devastated... :)

It's been a crazy, long, tiring week so while we celebrated the 18 week milestone on Thursday it's just now that I'm updating.

We have another big week planned:
  • Going to the Renaissance Festival with James and Tonya today. I just love this fair - people come from all over the mid-Atlantic and it's actually set up as a "permanent" medieval/Renaissance village year-round so it's not some dinky thing that gets thrown up for a few weekends. The food is awesome, there's lots of fun activities and shows to watch, but by far the best part is people-watching. It's as if all the nuts in the world texted each other and decided to show up in one place on one day. I will definitely be posting some pictures - you'll get a kick out of them. A couple of years ago, Seth and I actually saw the world's tallest man there just walking around - he was that one from the former Soviet Union (forget which "republic" he was from) - there's been a couple of shows about him on Discovery. It was pretty cool. Hoping today lives up to the hype!

  • We are doing landscaping around the "cottage" this weekend at school - parents and students are pitching in to spiff it up. In case you didn't know, "learning cottage" is a nice way of saying the single-wide trailer that I teach in. Now you know I love it because nobody bothers me out there, but let's just call a spade a spade, alright?

  • The NFL is killing me with another Steelers night game this week. Enough already - the pregnant woman needs some sleep!

  • The prenatal yoga class that I still haven't signed up for starts on Monday evening. I'm really, really looking forward to this. Geesh, it's expensive though! $135 for 8 weeks (class is only once a week). But if I go ahead with it, I'm taking it with my friend Victoria who is due the day before me and is also a teacher. She found out on Thursday that she's having a boy - YAY Victoria!

  • Speaking of which, we have our big ultrasound appointment on Thursday to make sure all is anatomically correct and bebe is still developing well. We'll hopefully also find out if "it" will be a he or a she - last time we did NOT have a cooperative bebe. At first s/he was sleeping with his/her legs crossed, so I drank some coffee and then s/he wouldn't sit still long enough to get a good look! Keep your fingers crossed for us.

  • And, yes, Wednesday is a national holiday and I expect bells to be chiming across the nation to ring in my (yikes!) 34th birthday. Oooooh, I'm getting OLD!

  • Today also would have been Gram's 77th birthday, so that's pretty sad and I'm just kind of ignoring it. Ignoring problems is what I do best, you know?

1 comment:

Jenni Leger said...

I am not certain if I was included in the faithful 5 followers or not, but if by chance I wasn't, you can now officially call it 6 - because I have been following the entire time, I just have not posted any comments! I can't wait to hear the news on Thursday!