Tuesday, August 23, 2011


We had a 5.8 magnitude earthquake here today! Well, the epicenter was about 85 miles southwest of here, in Virginia, but our buildings were shaking. It was the first day of school, first day teaching third grade, and we have an earthquake. The kids noticed it before I did, I figured it was just the building hvac system or a plane flying overhead. Then the whole room started shaking, walls and all, and I had the kids get under their desks. We went into the hallway a short time later and then evacuated the building.

The kids were at daycare, and they evacuated out to the car for a safe spot. They don't seem to have really noticed, except for being a bit more tired than usual since they were woken up in the middle of their naps.

Speaking of naps, Jack is screaming his head off in bed so I'm off...

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