Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1st, 2011

It's been a fun and crazy week! Last Monday, Annabelle, Jack and I drove up to Philadelphia to pick up Mimi so we could all spend a few days together at Avalon. The first night, Jack nor Annie slept much at all and I was questioning my sanity ;) But it got better after that!
We went to the beach one time; Jack wasn't into the beach this trip. We did spend quite a bit of time at the pool though. Both kids loved the water and were acting like "real" little swimmers. Jack enjoyed wearing an innertube and floating around by himself, while Annie didn't stop kicking and splashing in the water. Aunt Leah came down for a day and while she was there we went to the boardwalk at Ocean City, where Jack rode his first rides. We rode on the train once, and then Jack "drove" a vintage car around a track three times! We were riding with him, but he was definitely the one behind the wheel ;)
Then Jack, Annie and I took the ferry on the way home. Miss Annabelle only cried for about 20 minutes, making it probably her most successful trip to date! Nikki and her boys stopped for the night on their way home from Michigan. Wow, were Reading and Will big! Will loved holding Annabelle, while Reading and Jack played really well together. The hit of the visit was remote controlled cars; Will even gave his to Jack when they left. So we sent them a bit of a present in the mail ;) And not only did we have Nikki and the boys here, Uncle Brian decided to stay over for the night after some meetings in Baltimore.
Saturday was just as busy, with our company leaving and us attending our annual picnic with my girls up at Patapsco State Park in Baltimore County. Suffice it to say, yesterday we did absolutely nothing except hang out with the kids. Seth and I both even napped with them :)
Annabelle has been getting bigger every day, it seems. She started blowing bubbles and making raspberry/kissing noises. She gets an enormous smile whenever Jack is around, and tries to "get" him - kicking, grabbing and pulling his hair!
Jack is doing a magnificent job with potty training! He almost always goes to the potty now that we're sticking strictly to underwear. He likes to stand up on the potty to pee, and will stand on his head for an m&m reward ;) Today at school he wore the same pair of undies all day with no accidents! I am SO proud of him.
More next week! Be on the lookout for Annabelle's first tooth!

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