Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease :/

So Jack has HF&M, and it sucks. If nothing else, it's basically chicken pox that's concentrated on the hands, feet, mouth area (chin for Jack) and genitals. It's so sad to see him with all these blisters, but for the most part he's been a real trooper. The blisters bother him when he sees them, but they don't seem to itch and hopefully it won't last too long. He seems to have a pretty bad case though; if I didn't know better, I would think it was chicken pox.
And to up the ante a bit more, Annabelle has an ear infection and pink eye. So it's been a fun few days at our house! She also seems to have some kind of sinus infection but she's on antibiotics so hopefully that will clear up with the medicine. But eating for her hasn't been fun with the stuffy/runny nose and she was absolutely inconsolable with her ear before we started on the medicine. All I can say is - Poor Babies.

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