Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School!

Well, I started back to school today. It's deserving of a :) and a :(  Jack told me this morning not to go to work, he wanted me to do my work at home :( But it's an easy transition; Mimi is here to watch the kids today and tomorrow so they are happy being in their normal routine at home with mommy gone.

The past week has definitely been rough, with all the sickies going around. On top of the HFM and Annie's ear infection, all four of us have been battling a cold. Jack seems to have it the worst at the moment, but hopefully that will pass in the next couple of days.

Some funny Jackisms from this week:
  • Mommy, I need my sunglasses to hide from the sun. I don't want the sun to see me!
  • Aunt Faith, I need to go downstairs. I don't have time for this.
Jack also went through a few days where he apologized for *everything*. It was SO sad, but he seems to have gotten past that with a lot of positive reinforcement. He is, however, having some issues with his speech (it's regressed a bit, he's a bit harder to understand than he was) and his potty training (lots of pee accidents the past few days). I spoke with our school psychologist today about it since she asked how he was doing with Annabelle around and apparently it's a very normal phase for him to go through. That was a big relief to hear from a professional who's also a mom of small children.

Annabelle is still the same happy, smiling baby. She apparently had issues with her first bottle today (my fault, she hasn't taken one in 2 months), but did much better with her second one. She's trying to sit up from a reclining position, like when she's in her bouncy seat, and is almost sitting on her own (she can do it for a few seconds, but topples over ;). They both are still absolutely enthralled with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney Channel. Jack also loves 'playing' the games on disney.com with one of us helping him! It's such a different time, computers didn't even really exist when I was his age!

 Poor babies...

 Eri's birthday/graduation toga party! Jack was still contagious, so he had to stay at home with Aunt Faith.
 Even Annie had a toga ;)
 Hanging under the pergola Seth built at Jackie's house.

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