Sunday, September 18, 2011


Annabelle is sitting up and trying to crawl! She laughs and today really started saying "Dada". She's drooling like crazy but still no teeth. She can stand up holding onto something for probably a 1/2 minute and loves to hit everything right now. She gets an amazing, huge smile whenever she sees Jack and is still loving Mickey Mouse. In fact, the two of them are going to be Mickey and Minnie for Halloween :)  Hopefully she'll be staying in her room sometime soon, we're waiting on breatheable bumpers for her crib. Oh, and she LOVES the dogs, can't get enough of them and screeches whenever they're around. And she can sit and jump in her jumperoo forever (as long as you're close by) and be thrilled.

But it's been such a crazy few weeks! Jack is hilarious :) He has a wonderful sense of humor and the last couple of days he's wanting us to play with him all the time. It cracks me up when he tries to do "thumbs up" and puts up his pointer finger instead. His speech is so clear most of the time, but I love how he says 'jor-jange' instead of orange. He feels a need to eat a lot of food (even though he doesn't) just so he can 'grow up and be big like Daddy'. Tonight, he ate some mandarin oranges and said "Look Daddy, I ate all these oranges. I'm big like you, I'm not a kid anymore!" Too stinkin' cute.

School is crazy, I'm still adjusting to 3rd grade, a new reading curriculum and the STEM class I'm teaching that has no curriculum. It's probably way too much to take on in one year, but I'm feeling better about it every day. And the third graders are so little and sweet that I get lots of hugs :)

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