Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I know this post is a bit late, but we've had a busy week I guess! Honestly, I don't even remember what all we did, but I know I haven't had very much free time ;)

Friday evening we had dinner with Keith, Ramona, Faith, Brandon and Samuel. Jack didn't want to eat a thing, he was much more interested in playing with all the boys' toys. Saturday we spent with Dad and Roberta; Annabelle is quite the swimmer! And Sunday we headed over the bridge to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a visit.

The bad news today is that both kids have Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. It's just a virus, but both have fevers and Annabelle is really, really miserable. She has a runny nose and I think she's teething on top of the virus. Jack has little blisters on his chin, his hands, his feet and his privates but they don't seem to bother him at all. They bother me to look at though! So we're just taking it easy and trying to get through the sickness as best we can.

School starts for me next Tuesday, so one more week to spend with the kids. Hoping we can do some fun things this week when they're feeling better!

Annie is rolling over like crazy this week. She's smiling tons and 'talking' a lot too. She's gotten good control of her hands now and can pick things up and take them in and out of her mouth. She still loves her bath, and that's been a good way to calm her down when she's fussing w/her teething.

Jack cracks us up every day; he is so funny in his own way. He wants to know about everything and then brings up the information later when we've figured he'd forgotten about it. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is still tops in his book, although he's taken a liking to the Babar movie today :) His favorite thing to do though is sit and read books. He can 'read' "No David" aloud and loves to do that!

Well, sick babies need me. Will post pics later :)

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