Sunday, July 24, 2011

Jack and Annabelle - July 2011

Well, it's hard to believe. But Jack is 28 months old and Annabelle is 4 months old! Of course, them having the same birthday makes calculations pretty easy ;)
Life is interesting to say the least. While I love being at home with both kids during the summer, it's at times overwhelming! Seth has been working so much on building a custom pergola for Jackie that we rarely get to see him aside from weeknights. But I'm sure it'll be worth it in the long run!
It's my new goal to update here every week or two weeks to talk about what the kids are up to. I feel like it won't seem so overwhelming once I get this post done ;)
  • She's rolling over both ways and really enjoying her playmat this week!
  • She loves to "talk" and is especially chatty when she has her fingers stuffed in her mouth;
  • She smiles All. The. Time.
  • She throws fits if she doesn't want to be in the car, and has been known to scream for 1/2 hour straight :/
  • She's just learned this week how to grab things and manipulate them how she wants them. For example, she can pull her binky out of her mouth and then stick it back in.
  • She's teething like crazy!
  • She is enjoying the rainforest playmat this week for the first time
  • She loves her little bee teether and can play with it for a long time and be happy!
  • She smiles a huge smile whenever she sees a familiar face, and when she looks in the mirror
  • Someone just told me she looks like a little Cabbage Patch doll, and I have to agree!
  • She really only wants mommy when she's upset :(


Where can I even begin to talk about Jack???

  • He knows all his emotions an d is fond of saying "Mommy, I mad at u" or "I so happy"
  • He LOVES Annabelle and wants to interact with her all the time. Today he wanted to dance with her and sing with her. Whenever she cries, his response is "Anniebelle, it's okay" and he leans down to touch his face to hers :)
  • He's going through a very independent phase. Lots of "I got to...", "I need to..." and the like.
  • Jack's vocabulary is amazing, and his comprehension is even more so. There are times I forget I'm talking to a 2yr old. He'll say things like, "Mommy, why that guy sad? Is he have to get back up on the table?"
  • He knows all of his colors, shapes, alphabet and can now consistently count to 5. Before, we'd always miss 2 or 3 ;)
  • He loves to sing and dance! Even if he doesn't know the words to a song (or a tv show), he'll try to say them along with it and smiles the whole time.
  • We're working on potty training. Jack was doing really well with it, but now is fighting about going on the potty. Who knows, we'll figure out what to do eventually.
  • He's at school 3 days a week in the summer, and he really enjoys going!
  • Lucy passed away about a month ago, and he still asks for her and wants to give her a treat whenever he gets one for Max and Cam. But he is the first one to tell you that "Lucy went up to the sky to be with the angels."
  • He is still loving his cars and trains!
  • He's eating all kinds of stuff! PBJ is still a favorite (and a must for most meals) but he ate pork tenderloin and pasta w/veggies the other night. He's not afraid to try something new - he's tried zucchini and mushrooms this week - and while he didn't like either of them, he didn't make a big deal about it :)
  • He makes us smile and laugh on a regular basis!

So, that's the kids in a nutshell. I'll post some pictures to go along soon!

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