Saturday, April 10, 2010

So it wasn't teething

We had Jack in the ER this morning after he ran a 104.3 fever during the night and, again, vomited his entire bottle all over our bed. We tried to get in with his regular doctor but because of a death in their family, their office was closed today. We tried to go to Nighttime Pediatrics, but apparently they don't open until 11am, even on Saturdays. So, at 8:30 this morning we found ourselves in the ER.
Long story short...he has what looks to be a throat/ear infection. I was surprised to hear that, since he hasn't pulled or touched his ear much and doesn't seem to have a problem eating things that might bother you if your throat was sore.
I'm sure he's fine and will pull through this fantastically. My only real concern is that three weeks ago, he had an "unexplained" fever (102.5) and blood in his urine (only one night). He was tested twice for a UTI but didn't have one. This morning, he had very swollen lymph nodes in his groin area (this also surprised the doctor at the hospital - he had none anywhere else on his body). That, along with the random vomiting that they weren't able to explain, has me a bit on the worried side. But I'm sure that's just me being a new mom and being overly concerned about every little thing.
So, right now he's sleeping kind of peacefully and is on anti-nausea/vomiting meds that have helped him tons today being able to keep fluids down (we also have an antibiotic, but because of how high his fever was they think it's viral so we're going to try to hold off until tomorrow to give him those). He was pretty dehydrated but they didn't go so far as to put an IV in, thank goodness. He hasn't had many wet diapers today, but he did drink maybe a full cup of pedialyte over the course of several hours this afternoon so I'm over-the-moon excited about that.
Who woulda thunk it would take such a simple thing to make me happy??

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