Monday, May 17, 2010

Jack and his teeth...

I tried, but it didn't last long. may be curious as to what was up with Jack last time he was sick. Long story short, he had a bad ear infection (again!) and a virus that lasted almost a week before ending with a lovely rash all over his poor little body.

But of course, that wouldn't be exciting enough on its own. When we saw Dr. Hackett, I asked her to look at his top front teeth since they seemed to have craters dug out of the front and those areas were looking kinda yellowish. She immediately sent us to a pediatric dentist, and it turns out that (in these spots) all of the enamel has worn off of his teeth so that the inner tooth is exposed. Since that is reallly succeptible to decay, we now have a lot more daily upkeep with his mouth. Basically, he can only have milk at meals, no juice, and water any time during the day. If he has a snack, he can't linger over it for a long time as the longer the food sits on his teeth, the greater the chance of decay. Kinda crazy. Then after every meal, snack or drink other than water, we either need to wipe his teeth with a wet washcloth or brush them. That doesn't include the fluoride gel that we have to "burnish" onto his teeth every night before bed - it's a screaming, crying, flailing battle that makes me want to cry just thinking about it. But Jack has gotten a little bit better with it every night, and hopefully it won't be long before he accepts it as part of his routine :)

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