Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cloth Diapering and Teaching...

I never thought I'd sit in an IEP (special ed) meeting and end up talking about cloth diapering. And yet that's the situation I found myself in yesterday. Kind of weird to be talking about a student and their needs and suddenly transition to how I'm diapering my baby!
Long story short, the mom was talking about things she intended to do with her kids before they were born that kind of went out the window. I was lying low until a coworker brought up CDs and all that we've been doing with them. It was very slightly awkward, but I was also so proud to share what we have been/are doing.
I know that even on those days when I question it - when I would so much rather just throw a diaper in the trash - that I'm doing the right thing for us. It might not always be the easiest route, but we're getting there...

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