Monday, April 5, 2010

Jack's Latest

Here are pictures of Jack over the last month or so. He is getting to be so smart and funny, and we're at the point where it's really fun to spend time together. He has such a neat personality - most of the time he is really laid back and smiley, although he has started testing his boundaries lately and throwing little fits. I just laugh at him and eventually he gets over it ;)
Some of the things he's doing right now:
  • Still not walking, but getting more confident and starting to let go and fall down. We're getting there!
  • Clapping at appropriate times, or when he hears "Hooray!"
  • Slapping his hands up over his face when you say, "Oh no!"
  • Giving high fives
  • Sticking his tongue out when asked - this is way too funny and I need to get a picture of it.
  • Eating by himself - he's very fond of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches right now and doesn't want any help with them. He is also using his spoon to eat yogurt and is practicing with his fork.
  • Saying "Mama" ALL the time, almost obsessively :)
  • "Talking" on the phone when he holds it up to his ear
  • "Reading" books - he flips through the pages and makes little sing-song noises like he's reading aloud. It seems that reading to him every day since he was born is already paying off!
  • Blowing kisses

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