Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jack's 2 Week Checkup

Jack will be two weeks old tomorrow!

We went to see Dr. Ginsburg this morning for his first pediatrician visit, and he did a great job. He had to have his heel pricked and blood taken for the PKU test, and while he definitely cried while they were doing it, afterwards he settled right down and just stared at us for the rest of the appointment. He's too cute when he does that - it totally reminds me of Leah when she was a baby and would just stare people down without blinking. :)

So, in two weeks he has gained almost a pound from his lowest weight and is now 8lbs 3oz (he was 7lbs 15oz at birth, but dropped to 7lbs 5oz). He is 21 1/2" long (he was 20" at birth). That puts him in the 50th percentile for weight, the 85th percentile for height, and the 95th percentile for his head size! Guess that's why we needed the c-section... ;)

In other news, yesterday he decided to roll over onto his side! I thought it would be at least several more weeks before he was doing this, but we should have known from the way he picks his head up all the time and scoots himself around when he's lying on his stomach. He's managed to scoot himself 90 degrees around when he's lying on my stomach, and I stopped him at that point. He just wants to be on the move!!!

Also, we had photos taken of Jack by Shelane who did my maternity pictures. There's one at the top of this post, and there are also some posted on her website, which is There are a few that are just beautiful, and one really bizarre looking one of Seth - just ignore that one! Anyway, I can't wait to see the rest of them, and to print up the birth announcements with some of the pictures.

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