Friday, April 3, 2009

Jack is 3 Weeks Old!

Seems like Jack has been here forever, but yesterday was only the three-week anniversary of his arrival here with us.

Life has become very hectic in our house, totally dependent on the moods and sleepiness of our little man. About every other night, he's sleeping 5-6 hours and everything is great. The other nights......well, let's just say that we don't get much sleep and things aren't so hot!

Generally though, Jack is a wonderful, sweet and peaceful baby. He does have his moments (hours) when he just wants to scream and nothing much we do can stop him, but mostly he's pretty content and becoming curious about the world around him. He is making and holding eye contact, and really seems to want to communicate with you when you're holding him and talking to him. He makes lots of faces now - my favorites are "O-mouth" (he likes to do this when you first pick him up) and "Pirate Face" (he squinches one eye shut and makes an 'aarrgh' face at you).

We've started making a few outings - one to Pocci's house, one to Babies R Us, and today we'll attempt a trip to my dad's house. I still am hesitant to have him around other kids and all their sundry germs, so we're being pretty picky about where he goes. I think next week we'll be able to loosen up a bit. I know the kids at school are dying to meet him, and I think we'll pick a nice day next week and visit with them outside at recess!

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