Saturday, March 21, 2009

Our New Life...

We knew life would change, but I don't think either one of us had any idea just how much! No matter what you do to prepare, there really is no way to understand the profound difference a baby will make in your life.

Here's a little update along with the photos:

  • Jack is generally a pretty laid-back baby. He does have his crying fits, but they can always be solved with a feeding. Not that that's always convenient (or pain-free), but at least we have some recourse. Now we have to work on finding another way to stop the crying.

  • Every night we make a bit more progress towards sleeping in the bassinet. Last night, I think he was in it for about an hour at one time. Not bad considering Monday night he wouldn't lie in it at all without screaming.

  • The puppies are so sweet with Jack. Especially Campbell - she has calmed down so much since he came home, and she makes sure we're paying attention to him when he starts crying. She also just likes to be by him, and gives him the tiniest kisses on his head.

  • We go for a short walk every day, and it's something that I really look forward to! It only lasts about 15 minutes since I still can't do much after the surgery, but it's so nice to be out in the fresh air and getting a little bit of exercise. Jack really seems to like being outside too!

  • We've had lots of visitors, with Roberta, Jackie and Pocci coming over every day while Seth is at work to help with everything around here. It's been a real lifesaver. Tomorrow, mom comes for a week to visit and help with Jack.

  • Jack has his first photo shoot with Shelane tomorrow! We will try to get a great picture for his birth announcement, which is all picked out but awaiting a photo. Victoria and Jeff will also be bringing Jacob over to take some pictures of the boys together - I'm looking forward to sitting down and spending some time with them as well. It'll be good to have a face-to-face pow-wow about all that we're going through!

I'm sure there's much, much more to share, but I'm kind of braindead at this point! Jack is sleeping, so I guess I should take his cue and get some zzzzz's as well...

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