Saturday, February 28, 2009

So, we had an eventful day yesterday, but no baby yet :)

Yesterday, when I got out of bed, I thought my water may have broken, so I called the dr's office to see what I should do. I have what is called Group B Strep, which means that once my water breaks or I go into full labor, I have to get IV antibiotics to ensure that bebe doesn't contract the infection. So, I'm not messing around with waiting to go to the hospital - it could cause meningitis or other serious problems for the little guy if not treated properly.

So, the dr's office told me I needed to go to Labor & Delivery to have a test to see if it had actually broken. We got to the hospital around 10:30am and they were so busy that we had to wait about 45 minutes to get into the triage area. Once we did, they did a test and determined that my water did NOT break (still confused as to what it was then), and did an exam. I was fingertip dilated at that point, which doesn't sound like much, but after hearing that nothing was going on this whole time, was excitement enough for me!

But apparently the LO had other plans. I was discharged and was getting dressed and ready to leave when (This is TMI, but must be told to understand the story) blood started running down my legs and dripping onto the floor. I totally freaked out, especially because at that moment, an alarm went off in another room which made all the nurses run, so I'm standing in the middle of the floor trying to stop the bleeding with no idea of what's going on. I was so scared! It didn't help that the nurse who came in was talking about how it was a "significant" amount of blood and could be a problem with the placenta, blah, blah, blah. Good thing that my dr. and my other nurse were back soon and reassured me that wasn't the problem.

Anyway, long story short, I laid back down, they did another exam and determined that I was now 1 cm dilated and the bleeding was caused by a combination of the exam and cervical changes. So after about 1/2 hour of monitoring the baby and contractions (2-4 min.), they had me get up to walk to see if the bleeding started up again or if I dilated any further.

Fortunately, the bleeding didn't start up again. Unfortunately, I also didn't dilate any further, so they sent us home last night. I'm still bleeding a little bit, but it's nothing like it was yesterday, so I'm okay with that and am thinking it's a good sign!

So here we sit and wait. We are supposed to get a "wintry mix" tonight and then several inches of snow tomorrow into Monday - you know when he will try to arrive, don't you?

Hope all is well. Will keep you posted........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Dilation! Im hoping he comes soon. I was having the same thoughts about the weather and our little one. There has to be some kind of Murphy's Law about that.

Hang in there- not too much longer now!
