Saturday, February 28, 2009

So, we had an eventful day yesterday, but no baby yet :)

Yesterday, when I got out of bed, I thought my water may have broken, so I called the dr's office to see what I should do. I have what is called Group B Strep, which means that once my water breaks or I go into full labor, I have to get IV antibiotics to ensure that bebe doesn't contract the infection. So, I'm not messing around with waiting to go to the hospital - it could cause meningitis or other serious problems for the little guy if not treated properly.

So, the dr's office told me I needed to go to Labor & Delivery to have a test to see if it had actually broken. We got to the hospital around 10:30am and they were so busy that we had to wait about 45 minutes to get into the triage area. Once we did, they did a test and determined that my water did NOT break (still confused as to what it was then), and did an exam. I was fingertip dilated at that point, which doesn't sound like much, but after hearing that nothing was going on this whole time, was excitement enough for me!

But apparently the LO had other plans. I was discharged and was getting dressed and ready to leave when (This is TMI, but must be told to understand the story) blood started running down my legs and dripping onto the floor. I totally freaked out, especially because at that moment, an alarm went off in another room which made all the nurses run, so I'm standing in the middle of the floor trying to stop the bleeding with no idea of what's going on. I was so scared! It didn't help that the nurse who came in was talking about how it was a "significant" amount of blood and could be a problem with the placenta, blah, blah, blah. Good thing that my dr. and my other nurse were back soon and reassured me that wasn't the problem.

Anyway, long story short, I laid back down, they did another exam and determined that I was now 1 cm dilated and the bleeding was caused by a combination of the exam and cervical changes. So after about 1/2 hour of monitoring the baby and contractions (2-4 min.), they had me get up to walk to see if the bleeding started up again or if I dilated any further.

Fortunately, the bleeding didn't start up again. Unfortunately, I also didn't dilate any further, so they sent us home last night. I'm still bleeding a little bit, but it's nothing like it was yesterday, so I'm okay with that and am thinking it's a good sign!

So here we sit and wait. We are supposed to get a "wintry mix" tonight and then several inches of snow tomorrow into Monday - you know when he will try to arrive, don't you?

Hope all is well. Will keep you posted........

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not as promised...

I know I said I'd post pictures of the nursery today, but it's still in a bit of a shambles from the painting. Seth was supposed to be off work today, but ended up working a full day, so things up there aren't finished quite yet. Not much to do - just the painting supplies to use to touch up and then put away and curtains to hang up. I cleaned up and put away pretty much everything else this afternoon...

I didn't sleep hardly at all last night - I kept waking up with contractions, but nothing regular to signal a trip to the hospital. Hopefully very soon though!

Monday, February 23, 2009

What's going on...

Well, thought I'd post an update, but don't have much to say!

The nursery is almost finished. Seth painted much of the weekend, and his mural is to die for. I am just in love with it - I will post pictures of it tomorrow, once we get the curtains hung back up and all things in the right place. The room really does look fantastic though - better than I had imagined! It is just a nice, peaceful little haven.

Otherwise, I have been on a cleaning/organizing freakout the past couple of days. I guess it's what 'they' call nesting, although I would much prefer a crunchy little nest to a three-story home right now. Yesterday morning around 7:00 I let the dogs out, and after coming back into the basement and looking around, decided I couldn't stand the clutter and started rearranging (don't worry - not furniture), and throwing away tons of stuff. It was very cathartic, and we have a bit less junk cluttering up the basement now! Then I moved on to sweeping the hardwood floors, laundry, cleaning the kitchen, organizing the bookshelves, and finally some grocery shopping.

Amazingly, I somehow managed to make it to the end of the Oscars - yay for Slumdog Millionaire! Yes, it was the only nominated movie I saw this year, but I did love it! And those kids were so cute at the show :)

I will keep you posted...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This is just not fun anymore.

That's it.

Really not much else to say.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Let the party begin...

Oooh, lots to report...
  1. I'm off of bedrest! Yippee! Now we just have to figure out a way to get our little guy to make an appearance w/o making me wait another three weeks off of work w/o pay! That would just drive me insane... :)
  2. The nursery is getting done. We will hopefully have most of it finished by the weekend, so I'll post pictures then. Right now I'm keeping busy with washing baby items and setting up all the toys and gadgetst that we'll need for him when he comes home.
  3. I'm also keeping busy writing thank you notes for all of the wonderful shower gifts we received on Saturday! Roberta and Jackie threw a great party at Pocci's house - it was all set up so cute and a good time was had by all. I would post pictures, but I don't have any! I will see if Erin has some and will post those.
  4. I'm pretty overwhelmed by all the stuff we got from the shower! I'm trying to organize everything, but I think we need a bigger house! Our basement has basically gone from a living space a couple of months ago, to a baby and furniture storage area. Geesh!

Hope the weather has been nice where you are. We have been unbelievably lucky - temps reached 71 here yesterday (!!!!!!) and it's supposed to be nice again today. The sun is shining brightly right now, so I have high hopes for another beautiful, if windy, day...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's been a while...

Amazingly, being home all the time has led to fewer posts. Kind of odd, but that's the way it goes!

I never realized how difficult it could be to sit around and do nothing all day and all night. Honestly, there have been good days and bad, but luckily the bad days haven't come in a row. Seth has been great, helping with everything, and being supportive of me and I'm so thankful for that!

I had a dr's appointment yesterday, and got the good news that I no longer need to take the medication - yippee! I'm still supposed to be resting for the next week, but there is an end in sight which makes it all okay :) At this point, bebe would most likely be perfectly fine if he were born, but they would like him to make it to 37 weeks just to be on the safe side. So, in another week I'll be trying to get him to leave instead of trying to get him to stay! Any suggestions on this are welcome, by the way...I just have this feeling that after all this, he's going to want to overstay his welcome, which means I'm spending my time off waiting instead of with him :(

Last weekend, we had a photographer come over, courtesy of Victoria who gave us the session as a baby gift. It was so much fun - I've posted a couple of pictures in this post. It will be nice to look back on, and to show the little guy someday! We'll definitely be having Shelane come over to take pictures once he's born as well - she does a really great job...

On another note, this woman with 14 kids is driving me crazy. I'm so looking forward to paying taxes to support her dysfunctional family. And what's with the botox...?