Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Identity Theft

So I found out tonight that I've become a victim of identity theft. Honestly, this is the LAST thing in the world I need right now.

When I got the mail, I noticed that I had 3 letters from Wachovia, which was odd since I've never been in a Wachovia and they looked like statements. Turns out someone opened a checking and a savings account in my name (my maiden name, no less), but somehow the bank realized it was fraudulent, and so shut them down the next day (last Friday). The really bad thing is that whomever this is has my soc. security #, date of birth, etc. The weird thing is they have my maiden name...

I've submitted a report to the credit companies, and all three have put a fraud alert on my credit report in case anyone tries to open any more accounts. It seems okay at this point, but I'll have to go and file a police report and submit that to the reporting companies, as well as keep a close eye on my credit. I'm just glad that I got this mail from Wachovia, or else I wouldn't know anything about it.


What Six Months Pregnant Means to Me....

  • I'm considering writing to the TV networks to try and improve programming from 3:00-6:00 a.m.
  • Every day it's more and more difficult to stay awake past 2:00 in the afternoon (which doesn't really work when you teach until 4)
  • Shoes and socks are chosen based on how easy they are to get on/off, rather than how they look.
  • Lying down on my back makes my head feel like it's going to explode.
  • People feel the need to touch my stomach.
  • Unfortunately, people also feel the need to tell me their birth stories. If I cared, I'd ask!
  • There's no more "fitting into" regular clothes.
  • I have to force myself to sit down and put my feet up during the day or else it will be a miserable night.
  • My watch leaves deep impressions on my wrist, but I'm too stubborn to take it off.
  • The fact that there is still office furniture, a plywood floor, and messed up walls in the nursery stresses me out to the point of tears some days.
  • My lower back and hips feel like I've suddenly aged 30 years overnight.
  • I can feel the little guy kicking all the time now!
  • It all seems more real now, and my focus is changing a bit from thinking about being pregnant to thinking about being a mom.

And what six months pregnant means to my dearly beloved...

  • I find myself doing increasingly more than I have been around the house.
  • I spend my time carrying things, rubbing the back (the hands, the feet...), washing dishes, cooking dinner, taking care of the puppies.
  • Being encouraging and staying positive.
  • My belly is getting bigger, I have back pain, I'm always tired. (hmmm....sound familiar?)
  • I'm trying to work more to make extra money.
  • Glad that everything is going well. Better and better the closer we get, but overwhelmed by all the things we still have to do around the house.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Counting Sheep

So, here it is 2:03 a.m. on Friday morning and I just can't sleep. Actually, Seth can't sleep either, even though he's been choosing to sleep downstairs on the couch while he has a cough/cold. So we're sitting here in the living room watching "True Blood" on HBO. I just had some McCain french fries complete with melted cheddar and then dipped in ketchup and ranch. some point I'm going to have to stop blaming the weight on the baby...

Speaking of, apparently I've gained about 12-14 pounds at this point, depending on whose scale you go by. It wouldn't sound so bad except I had only gained 6 a month ago! I shudder to think what's to come. But honestly, so be it. It's all for a good cause, and I'm enjoying eating whatever I want without much of a second thought. :)

We found out all of the bloodwork came back normal yesterday, which is a relief. But somehow, no matter how many reassurances I get, I still worry about him. I guess that's part of the whole deal though.

Otherwise, not too much going on. We're still nowhere near having a name for the little guy, but he is making his presence known more and more every day ~ what a great feeling. It's a very busy time at school with report cards and conferences and a big field trip coming up right before Thanksgiving break. I will be v. relieved once that break is here and all that is behind me.
I hope that you all are doing well and, hopefully, are fast asleep...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Babies R Us

Well, we went to Babies R Us yesterday to register for baby things. On one hand, it was so much fun and Seth and I had a great time looking at and choosing stuff for the little guy. On the other hand, it's amazing how much companies think you'll pay for a glorified, colored hunk of plastic! And the sad thing is, of course we'll pay it because maybe the baby will really want a cool bouncer or a neat swing...

Probably the best part though was just watching Seth. I honestly think we put some of the items on the list because they fascinated him! He just couldn't get enough of the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo (see pic above). Should be interesting to have two boys to take care of. :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008


This is me, Kathy and Christie in our 5th grade costumes ~ notice I'm not the shortest one!

We started out as monkeys, but really think we ended up looking more like mice. One of the students thought I looked like an opossum - does that mean I can just play dead in the middle of the school day????

And here is my class. Notice the injured Tom Brady - that was definitely my favorite :)

One of my students dressed up as the baby ~ too funny!

22 Weeks!

Well, here we are at 22 weeks. Life these days...

The little guy is starting to realize when I need some rest by deciding to wake up and kick me at these opportune moments. On one hand it drives me crazy and I'm hoping it's not a sign of a boy who's going to make me bust in the years to come. On the other hand, it's just the coolest thing and at this point I'll take it any time I can get it...

  • I'm realizing that much of the pain/discomfort is caused by being on my feet all day. I'm trying to teach sitting down more, but it's just not my style!

  • Halloween is simply the best day ever. Whomever came up with the idea of celebrating my recent chocolate obsession with an entire day and entire stores dedicated to its indulgence is pure genius. I have literally made myself sick more than once in the past couple of days... :)