Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jack is 2 1/2 and Annabelle is 6 months!

As always, it’s crazy in our home these days! Here's a bit of an update...

Jack is so funny – he’s been using “I can’t believe that” appropriately. Seth was on the computer after the Eagles game on Sunday. Jack came up to him and said, “Daddy, Go Eagles lost. I can’t believe that!”

He’s into running and jumping and saying, “Mommy, Daddy, watch this crazy roll”.

We were looking at the Safeway circular and he saw a bag of frozen popcorn shrimp. He said, “Oooh Mommy. I like that. That’s yummy good food. It’s my favorite!”

He’s putting himself into ‘time out’ when he’s upset about something. He’ll tell us something like, “I so sad, I go upstairs and cry in my room. I go in time out.” So funny and yet so sad at the same time ;)

He’s counting everything, and can easily count things to 10. He’s into Mickey still, and has really gotten to love Veggie Tales, which makes me (and Grandmama J) happy since he’s learning about God while he’s having fun! He loves singing/talking along to the movies when he knows the words, and even when he doesn’t know them, he repeats the characters quietly.

He loves playing games on the computer and can play on Disney.com without any help. He uses his finger to move the mouse around and clicks when he needs to. It’s amazing to watch!

Annabelle is as sweet and happy as ever. She is definitely our little cuddler and still wants to be held most of the time.

Annie loves to give ‘kisses’ – she grabs onto your hair and pulls you in for a big slobbery, open-mouthed kiss!

She’s rolling around everywhere and sitting up but shows no signs of crawling. She just doesn’t want to, and I guess that’s okay since two kids moving around will be a lot for us to handle!

She really enjoys her baths and especially loves having water poured on her head!

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