Monday, May 17, 2010

Jack @ 14 Months

Jack at 14 months is my favorite Jack so far. He is so full of personality and there are so many times during the day that I have to pinch myself that I got such a smart, neat little boy! My personal favorite time of the day is when he first wakes up in the morning - we spend a 1/2 hour or so just snuggling and playing in bed.

What he's doing now...
  • He's standing on his own. He wobbles a bit, but he definitely (finally!) has it down.
  • He's saying so much...memmy, daddy, doggie, more (this is constant when food is around!), milk, ball, TV, bubble. He tries to say a lot more like baseball and touchdown, but he doesn't have it quite yet!
  • He can pick out things that are red.
  • He loves putting things together and taking them apart. He also can spend hours putting things into a container, taking them out, repeat, etc. etc.
  • He's an old pro at his stackers now.
  • He loves Dora the Explorer, and will cuddle up with you to watch an episode.
  • He uses his imagination - he'll pretend to pick something up and then pretend to give it to you...all the while smiling this huge grin. He totally knows that he's being funny.
  • He pushes his toy lawnmower in laps around the living room and kitchen. He's also been known to push anything he can get his hands on around the room, be it a stool, toy, whatever.
  • He loves to ride around on his toy lion.
  • He spends a lot of time outside playing in his splash table and in his pool. He just loves the water!
  • He does sign language for please, more and Jack. He also claps his hands when you sing "When you're happy and you know it..."

I know there's so much more, but it's all I can think of right now. Pictures to follow soon!

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