Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jack's 2 Week Checkup

Jack will be two weeks old tomorrow!

We went to see Dr. Ginsburg this morning for his first pediatrician visit, and he did a great job. He had to have his heel pricked and blood taken for the PKU test, and while he definitely cried while they were doing it, afterwards he settled right down and just stared at us for the rest of the appointment. He's too cute when he does that - it totally reminds me of Leah when she was a baby and would just stare people down without blinking. :)

So, in two weeks he has gained almost a pound from his lowest weight and is now 8lbs 3oz (he was 7lbs 15oz at birth, but dropped to 7lbs 5oz). He is 21 1/2" long (he was 20" at birth). That puts him in the 50th percentile for weight, the 85th percentile for height, and the 95th percentile for his head size! Guess that's why we needed the c-section... ;)

In other news, yesterday he decided to roll over onto his side! I thought it would be at least several more weeks before he was doing this, but we should have known from the way he picks his head up all the time and scoots himself around when he's lying on his stomach. He's managed to scoot himself 90 degrees around when he's lying on my stomach, and I stopped him at that point. He just wants to be on the move!!!

Also, we had photos taken of Jack by Shelane who did my maternity pictures. There's one at the top of this post, and there are also some posted on her website, which is There are a few that are just beautiful, and one really bizarre looking one of Seth - just ignore that one! Anyway, I can't wait to see the rest of them, and to print up the birth announcements with some of the pictures.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Our New Life...

We knew life would change, but I don't think either one of us had any idea just how much! No matter what you do to prepare, there really is no way to understand the profound difference a baby will make in your life.

Here's a little update along with the photos:

  • Jack is generally a pretty laid-back baby. He does have his crying fits, but they can always be solved with a feeding. Not that that's always convenient (or pain-free), but at least we have some recourse. Now we have to work on finding another way to stop the crying.

  • Every night we make a bit more progress towards sleeping in the bassinet. Last night, I think he was in it for about an hour at one time. Not bad considering Monday night he wouldn't lie in it at all without screaming.

  • The puppies are so sweet with Jack. Especially Campbell - she has calmed down so much since he came home, and she makes sure we're paying attention to him when he starts crying. She also just likes to be by him, and gives him the tiniest kisses on his head.

  • We go for a short walk every day, and it's something that I really look forward to! It only lasts about 15 minutes since I still can't do much after the surgery, but it's so nice to be out in the fresh air and getting a little bit of exercise. Jack really seems to like being outside too!

  • We've had lots of visitors, with Roberta, Jackie and Pocci coming over every day while Seth is at work to help with everything around here. It's been a real lifesaver. Tomorrow, mom comes for a week to visit and help with Jack.

  • Jack has his first photo shoot with Shelane tomorrow! We will try to get a great picture for his birth announcement, which is all picked out but awaiting a photo. Victoria and Jeff will also be bringing Jacob over to take some pictures of the boys together - I'm looking forward to sitting down and spending some time with them as well. It'll be good to have a face-to-face pow-wow about all that we're going through!

I'm sure there's much, much more to share, but I'm kind of braindead at this point! Jack is sleeping, so I guess I should take his cue and get some zzzzz's as well...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jack has arrived!

Jack Donovan Bigelow arrived at 5:42am on Thursday, March 12, 2009 weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. Despite 21 hours of labor and 1 1/2 hours of pushing, he wouldn't budge so he had to be delivered via c-section.

Labor was interesting, to say the least. We started the induction with a pitocin drip at 8:45am on Wednesday, 3/11 after an experience putting the IV line in that almost had me passing out. As a result, and because of my "orthostatic hypotension", they gave me several liters of fluid throughout the day to keep my pressure up. Anway, the contractions started to come about 2-3 minutes apart pretty quickly and progressively got more painful. I held out for the epidural until about 2:00, at which point I was only 3cm dilated.

Between 2:00 and 9:00, I went from 3-8cm and things looked good to deliver sometime on Wednesday. Even though the times we bet on had passed (we were so wishful thinking choosing times between 3:00-6:00!), we had no reason to think he wouldn't be born late Wednesday night or very early Thursday morning.

However, by 2:00am on Thursday I was only 9cm and somehow the epidural wore off. They had been giving me a lower dose than most people because of my blood pressure issues, but I'm not sure if this had anything to do with it or not. I actually think it was just placed a bit off, as we had issues with it several times thoughout the day/night. When it was working though, it was wonderful, and I was actually able to "enjoy" being with my (entire) family.

So, around 2:00, I was writhing in pain to the point where I was crying and about to tear Seth's hand off squeezing it! At that point, they also told me that the baby's heartrate had risen, he was what they referred to as "sunny side up" (his face was facing up instead of the back of his head) and I was running a fever which they gave me some Tylenol for. The tylenol didn't work however, as my fever had gone up a degree an hour later.

They came in and upped the epidural and about an hour later, I was fully dilated and Dr. Penn decided it was time to start pushing to try and get Jack to move down and hopefully move out! I was exhausted at this point, but just wanted it to be over.

Well, in true form, I pushed and pushed but he wouldn't move. Apparently, his head would move a bit when I pushed, but would go back up again in between. After an hour and a half, he hadn't turned at all, hadn't moved down at all, and I still had a fever. They had also discovered meconium in the fluid that was coming out, which nobody told me at the time. This can be dangerous for the baby, as it is their first poop and can cause lung problems if it gets breathed in right after birth. So Dr. Penn decided to do a c-section and I was totally happy with that decision.
At that point, everything moved quickly. I would say that once a decision was made, we were in the OR in less than 15 minutes. Seth was allowed to come in with me, thank goodness.

When we got to the OR, I had to crawl onto the operating table (this was so not easy) and they lay you down with your arms stretched out like you're Jesus on the cross. For some reason, I developed terrible muscle spasms in my neck and shoulders, and was in unbelievable pain lying in this position. Seth being there talking me through it and rubbing my shoulders was the only thing that got me through this part.

They put up a curtain over my chest so I couldn't see what was going on, and the anesthesiologist was by my head giving us the play-by-play. They say you don't feel any pain, but I definitely had a few moments when I felt more than "pulling and a little pressure" - I could feel actual pain, although it wasn't bad. This is another reason I feel like the epi wasn't 100% correct and effective for me.

Anyway, not even 10 minutes after they started the surgery, Jack Donovan was born! He had a big cone head from trying to be pushed out. He screamed several times as soon as they took him out and suctioned him (the best sound ever!!!). Once they took him to the clean-up area, Seth was with him and says he was totally alert with his eyes wide open, just looking around and taking it all in. Seth got to trim the umbilical cord (Dr. Penn had to cut it initially when they pulled him out) and says he was really peaceful during the whole thing. Then they brought him over to me with Seth holding him and he looked at me with his big eyes opened and I swear he smiled! :) It was a wonderful moment.

After that, they took him off to be weighed and measured, and Seth was able to go with him for that. I had to stay in the OR to be sewn back up, but was able to join Seth and Jack in the recovery room about 20 minutes later. That was a scene I will never forget - being rolled in, exhausted, in pain and in disbelief, and seeing my husband holding my baby with the sweetest, most tender look on his face. It still chokes me up now to think about it. What a beautiful sight after all we'd been through.

We spent about an hour in the recovery room, during which we decided on Jack Donovan for his name. Somehow, after all the research, discarded names, discussions, arguments, it just seemed to fit our little man. Soon after, we went to our room, where we were joined by our family who was there with us through the whole ordeal.

The rest of our hospital stay was eventful, of course. I had a fever on and off for a few days, so had to be closely monitored for that. In addition I was given too much fluid, which went into my lungs and was causing breathing problems and another fever, so they gave me 20mg of Lasix and thankfully after one dose I was doing better - it drained 3 liters of fluid! So we ended up staying in the hospital for 5 days, just coming home yesterday. I am having tons of terrible pain related to the surgery, and am just trying to cope with that using the least amount of medication possible.

We've taken tons of pictures, which are all uploaded on our picasa photo site at and I will continue to post our pictures now that we're home - I started a poll to see who you think Jack looks like as well!

Thank you for all the well-wishes, thoughts and prayers. We are so lucky and blessed to finally have our little guy here with us. The crying and the sleepless nights are nothing compared to being able to love on baby Jack...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well, we go in tonight around midnight to start the whole process. I am hoping to have our little guy here sometime tomorrow, which is such an odd thought. But I will keep the blog updated as much as I can. From what I've heard, I'll apparently have some downtime!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tuesday @ Midnight

Well, we will report to the hospital at midnight on Tuesday/Wednesday for the induction to begin. I am still hoping, hoping, hoping to go in before that to do this whole thing more naturally, but if it's Tuesday night, then Tuesday night it will be. That would most likely mean a 3/11/09 birthday, which would make me happy since it's all odd numbers (don't ask - I can't explain my preference for an odd-numbered birthday for the little guy...).

We will keep you posted. We'll send out a picture mail/text after he's born, so let me know if you'd like to get the message and I don't have either your cell # or email address...

Why can't UConn rebound against Pitt?

I am so sick of seeing one Pitt player and 3-4 UConn players under the basket, and having the Pitt player get the rebound and score two. This is like deja vu - all over again...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Parental vs. School Responsibility

I'm just really ticked off about this story they had on the Today Show this morning. It's a very sad story about an 18-year-old girl who ended up commiting suicide after taking a nude picture of herself, texting it to her boyfriend at the time, and then dealing with harassment after they broke up and he forwarded the text to other kids.

My issue is with the mother, who wants to sit on Today and blame her daughter's SCHOOL for her death. And with Matt Lauer, who just accepted what she was saying and didn't question at all the fact that this is not something the school should be held accountable for. Apparently, the girl was harassed a lot at school - yes, that's something that should be addressed if it's happening in a forum that's disrupting what's supposed to be going on in school.

But this mother is upset because she was getting letters from the school saying her daughter was skipping school and coming in late, but not getting letters about the harassment. Is this really the school's duty? I am just so sick of parents blaming the schools for everything. What was the school supposed to do? In most high schools, you're not even supposed to have a cell phone - the photo was not taken at school - and I don't even think the boyfriend went to the same school. And then people want to complain that kids aren't learning all they should. Well, no shit if this is what the administration is supposed to spend their time doing. UGGGGGHHHHH!!!!

His due date has officially come and gone...

and apparently nobody told him that it's time to leave.

I had my doctor's appointment yesterday and Dr. Penn will call me today to let me know when they've scheduled the induction. After the trip to the hospital a week ago, and being told that I would have the baby within the next few days and still sitting here waiting, I'm up for anything. Also, my blood pressure yesterday was up to 140/90 which is apparently officially considered hypertension. So I'm excited to find out the absolute latest date that we'll meet our little guy, although I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that he decides to come on his own this weekend. The idea of having to take drugs to start labor just doesn't sit well with me.

I will keep you posted...

Monday, March 2, 2009


I'm a bit overly excited about the snow this morning. Seems that I still get paid for any snow days, without having to use up the couple of sick days I have left at this point. Whoo-hoo!

So, we hopped up early, bundled up the pups so we wouldn't have soaking wet fur running around the house, and took some pictures...

Sunday, March 1, 2009