Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jack @ 17 Months A.N.D........

announcing our newest family member, set to debut sometime in March! My due date is 3/19 but I will likely have to have a repeat c-section so that would put delivery sometime during the week following Jack's birthday (3/12). Yikes! We are very, very excited but also very overwhelmed by the idea of welcoming another little one. I'm sure we'll get used to it though :) I did get to see the baby on ultrasound yesterday, measuring right on time (8w4d) with a strong heartbeat. What a great sight to see!

Jack is as brilliant, hilarious and wonderful as ever. He adores his trains and train table, and loves pumping his little fist and saying "Choo choo!". His favorite foods right now are grapes, spaghetti and mandarin oranges. He'll pretty much eat most any fruit; veggies are the tough ones.

At the moment, his favorite dog is Max. He's always calling him ("Maaaah") and looking around for him. He loves giving the dogs hugs and doing "nice" by petting them gently. They are really so great with him, I just love seeing them together.

Jack has also started talking in real phrases. Whenever he can't find anything, it's "Doggie go?" or "Choo choo go?". He uses the word 'please' often and appropriately and I'm so proud. For example, his train track might fall apart so he'll bring me a piece of track and say "Mama, Mama. Help please". I'm so proud!

He also loves books and reading. He has a box of little Mickey Mouse books that he likes to carry around and he'll just sit down and flip through them making up words and sounds like he's reading!

I'm trying to think of more of his antics, but my thoughts are escaping me right now. I just spent 4 long days at a school conference focusing on differentiation, and while it was valuable and fairly entertaining, it was work and I. AM. TIRED.

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