Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jack lately

All of a sudden it seems Jack is really growing up. He has taken to repeating much of what he hears (be careful mom and dad!) and uses his pretty large vocabulary appropriately. He loves to point out facial features and body parts on both people and the dogs. He's running after Cammie right now saying "nose, nose" and trying to touch her nose; he's just cracking himself up doing it ;)

We had lunch with a friend recently who told us she is expecting. It's probably not the most opportune timing for them, and totally not a planned pregnancy, so I didn't say anything for a moment after she told me. Leave it to Jack though...after a moment of silence he chimed in with his take on the whole thing - "Ohhhhh noooooo". We laughed so hard; I know he didn't understand what was going on but his timing and choice of words was impeccable!

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