Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jack at 8 Months!

Poor little guy has been sick the past few days with a runny nose and a yucky cough. We saw Dr. Ginsburg Friday afternoon, and she felt like it was just a cold, so we're letting it run its course. Just being cautious with all of the flu/pneumonia problems out there...

We have been so busy lately! I feel like I can never get caught up with home and school, and to top it off I've been sick the past few days too. Luckily, Seth, Dad and Roberta really helped out yesterday and allowed me to get some much-needed rest.

Last weekend, we went to Williamsburg to meet Barrie, Mike and Ally at Great Wolf Lodge. What a blast! I would highly recommend a trip if there's one near you. I can't wait to go back :)

For those of you who have sent Jack gifts and never received thank you cards, THANK YOU! I think about them all the time, and am hoping to have time to sit down over Thanksgiving and put my thoughts on paper. Know that everything is appreciated, and please forgive my lack of manners. It really is much harder than it looks :)

So, what is Jack doing these days?
  • SLEEPING!!! He is finally sleeping through the night. He does wake up around 3:30, but usually falls back asleep by himself after playing for a little while.
  • Picking up small pieces of food and putting them into his mouth (really funny to watch!)
  • Waving, giving "High Five"
  • Running around in his walker, and able to maneuver himself around corners (again, good for a laugh)
  • Crawling really fast
  • Climbing up any and all stairs
  • Holding and playing with toys in both hands
  • Carrying toys with him as he crawls around. He loves to climb up the two stairs in our living room holding his Orioles bat.

We are stuck between sizes again. Six month clothes can be a bit small, but nine month are too big. He still fits into size 2 diapers (barely), but the size 3 are way too big! They did weigh him at the doctor's on Friday, and he weighed 17 pounds, fully clothed. From the growth chart that I snagged, that would put him in the 15th-20th percentile for weight. No wonder things don't fit!

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