Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jack @ 7 Months :)

Again, it's been a long time. But we've had no internet for a few weeks, and I am unable to access the blog at school, so here I sit at Roberta's computer for a quick update before heading back home to catch the Steelers game at 1:00. Pictures will be posted as soon as we have internet again, hopefully sometime this week!

We are newly recovered from the Swine Flu. Jack came down with it - and a 102 degree fever - last Sunday, had it confirmed at the doctor's office on Monday and started on Tamiflu that day. He was feeling better by Tuesday afternoon, although he wasn't fully himself again until Friday. That's when Seth came down with it. I've been fine so far, and Seth is okay today, so keep your fingers crossed that we're done with it!

So what's Jack been up to, you ask?
* He's progressed from "creeping" to full-fledged "crawling" with his belly up off the floor.
* The only place he wants to crawl to now is the two steps between our living and dining rooms. He's managed to climb up them twice already!
* He started waving 'bye bye' this weekend.
* He's 'talking' up a storm all the time - he says "Dada" and says "Mumma" when he's upset!
* He thinks the dogs are hilarious - always laughing out loud at them. He pets them so nicely too.
* He loves the remote controls, so we've found an old one and given it to him for his very own :)
* He was to the point where he was only waking up once a night, but since being sick he's been waking up 5-6 times/night and won't fall back asleep in his crib. He's fine until you go to lay him back down in his crib, when he starts screaming. Geesh.
* He loves to play in the dog's water bowl, loves his bath, and any other kind of water he can find. He's definitely going to be a swimmer...

More soon...

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