Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jack lately

All of a sudden it seems Jack is really growing up. He has taken to repeating much of what he hears (be careful mom and dad!) and uses his pretty large vocabulary appropriately. He loves to point out facial features and body parts on both people and the dogs. He's running after Cammie right now saying "nose, nose" and trying to touch her nose; he's just cracking himself up doing it ;)

We had lunch with a friend recently who told us she is expecting. It's probably not the most opportune timing for them, and totally not a planned pregnancy, so I didn't say anything for a moment after she told me. Leave it to Jack though...after a moment of silence he chimed in with his take on the whole thing - "Ohhhhh noooooo". We laughed so hard; I know he didn't understand what was going on but his timing and choice of words was impeccable!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

July photos of Jack

I've wanted to share pictures of Jack for a while now, I just despise the old-fashioned, timely way Blogger makes you do it. I would think they'd update so you could choose multiple photos at a time and not have to format every one, but hey, that's just me. are a bunch to give you an idea of what he's been up to lately and how big he's getting! Most recent pics are at the bottom.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jack @ 16 Months

Well, what can I say? I have the most amazing, intelligent, funny, goofy, talented little boy in the history of the world!

Seth and I were trying to go through and make a list of all the words he says, but at this point he pretty much repeats anything you say to him. My favorites this week are blueberry (boobewwy), Cam Cam (for Campbell), Oocy (Lucy), Max, More milk (mowe meelk), shoes (shuzz), fish (fssh), and car (caaawwr).

We just got back from a long weekend in Philly and Avalon, it was a really hectic trip but nice to see Mom, Leah, Don and Mark. I will post pics when I get them loaded onto the computer. Jack hadn't liked the ocean when we were in OC a couple weeks ago (he adored playing in the sand), but was okay with the water and loved the seashells at Avalon. I think the difference was the huge size of the beach and the calm sea at Avalon. More like an SC beach than a northern one in my opinion. Just gorgeous.

Jack is still loving his pushcar. He lives for Dora and Diego. I made him some zucchini patties last week and he devoured them, which made me happy; I usually have to hide his veggies to get him to eat them. He loves greeting the dogs in the morning, and wants to play all day long soon after. He makes funny faces at us to get us to laugh. Right now he's like a little monkey, clinging to my legs or neck at all times of day or night.

Honestly, I don't know what else to say, we are just the luckiest people in the world to be able to share his life each day.

Friday, July 9, 2010