Thursday, March 4, 2010

So I'm a bad mommy...

Here we are, eight days short of Jack's first birthday, and I'm posting for the first time in two months. I would say that I'm a bad mommy, but it only means I'm spending every precious moment with my precious little boy :)

I can't even begin to put into words what an amazing child Jack is, has been, and is turning into. We are constantly sent into giggles over the things that he does; watching him figure things out is such a joy. A few days ago he decided to do "High Five"...when I took my hand away, he put his own hand up and slapped it with the other hand. It doesn't come across well on paper, but seeing him make that connection and laugh about it was priceless.

Then tonight in the bath he held up the washcloth, put it behind his back and smiled. I asked him where the towel was, he giggled, and then reached back and pulled it out. Too cute!

We are so thrilled with our daycare situation. Jack absolutely loves "Miss Shey" and all the kids at daycare...and apparently he's Mr. Popular with them :) They do a whole preschool program with shapes, colors, etc. and do crafts as well. Right now, we have Jack's first fingerpaints on the fridge - a red heart from Valentine's Day and another fingerpainting page. He is absolutely thriving! What a blessing that a bad situation turned into something that has allowed him to thrive!

A not-so-good note is that Jack "ate" my camera. Well, actually, he just slobbered on it (and into it) enough so that it is now obsolete. Any pictures I've taken in the last month have been on my cell phone, so the quality is just not there. Regardless, I'll post them later.

We're having Jack's first birthday party at Jackie's house next Sunday. Even though there is much, much to do before then, I can't wait. I can't believe my little boy is turning a year old! I have been working on a slideshow of his first year - it's something wonderful to celebrate, but a bit bittersweet looking back at how far we've come in such a short time. Seth and I have had so much fun putting it together - choosing pictures and music - and I can't wait to see the finished project. :)

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